Due to COVID-19 you can now work through foreclosure by phone. No office visit is required.
Malcolm E Harrison, P.A. specializes in helping people just like you stay in their home during difficult times like now. With a worldwide pandemic and millions of people around the country suddenly finding themselves unemployed, maintaining your home is an important basic need.
Mr. Harrison and his staff have helped hundreds of clients in Florida from losing their homes. Since each case of foreclosure is different, we do not take a “cookie-cutter” approach to these cases. We take the time to know our clients and fashion a legal strategy around their particular needs.

Attorney Bios
Malcolm E. Harrison
Malcolm E. Harrison, a native of Belle Glade, Florida, graduated from Harvard College magna cum laude in 1990 and Harvard Law School in 1993. He worked as an international banking attorney in New York, Buenos Aires, and London. From 1998 to 2004 he was a Foreign Service Officer serving in South America and the Middle East, where he supported both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2006 Mr. Harrison received his Master’s in Real Estate Law from the University of Miami and subsequently founded the law office. Mr. Harrison and his team take pride in having saved the homes of over 4,000 Floridians. He is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, and German.
Michelle C. Moore
Michelle C. Moore is a native of Long Island New York. She graduated from C W Post with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration and a master’s degree in criminal justice sciences. After being certified by the American bar association she was a paralegal for 15 years before returning to Law School. She attended Nova Southeastern School of Law and received her law degree in 1998. She gained experience in family law, adoption and personal injury before moving on to the State of Florida to prosecute child abuse cases for Child Welfare Legal Services where she obtained ten years of invaluable trial experience. She joined the firm in 2010 and has become an expert in the field of Loan Modifications and foreclosure trials.